Commer Cars Ltd, Biscot Road, Luton, Beds.

Originally the Commercial Car Company, taken over by Humber in 1926 and renamed Commer Cars. Commer & Humber were taken over by the Rootes Group in 1928. Commer's distinctive 3-cylinder 2-stroke diesel engine designed by Rootes Group member Tilling Stevens - the 'TS3' - was used extensively in the QX and later Maxiload models. Featured types: Q2, Q4, Q15, Q25, Superpoise 2-5 ton, QX underfloor-engine 7-12 ton, A25, Cob, BF 1 ton, Maxiload 14-16 ton & Walk-Thru.

Prewar Commers

Visitors 772
14 photos
Prewar Commers


Galleries 5
67 photos

Forward Control Q

Visitors 874
5 photos
Forward Control Q

Commer QX R Series Mk I & Mk II

Visitors 1037
14 photos
Commer QX R Series Mk I & Mk  II

Commer QX C Series Mk III, Interim Mk III & Mk IV

Visitors 2305
69 photos
Commer QX C Series Mk III, Interim Mk III & Mk IV

Commer C Series (CA, CB, CC, CE)

Visitors 1627
34 photos
Commer C Series (CA, CB, CC, CE)

Commer C Series (CB/CC 4x4)

Visitors 519
0 photos

Commer C Series Maxiload

Visitors 1769
0 photos

Commer V Series (VA, VB, VC)

Visitors 1235
28 photos
Commer V Series (VA, VB, VC)

Commer BF

Visitors 1252
7 photos
Commer BF

Commer PA

Visitors 514
0 photos

Commer Cob, Express & Imp

Visitors 2335
14 photos
Commer Cob, Express & Imp

Commer Commando

Visitors 674
0 photos