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Thomas Smith & Sons (Rodley) Ltd, Rodley, Leeds.

Company incorporated in 1918 but originally started by Thomas Smith's father David in 1820 as a partner in Balmforth Bros, Peel Ings Foundry.

Truck crane production ended about 1978 when the company was sold to Northern Engineering Industries (NEI). Other owners included Rolls-Royce. Now part of the crane division of Clarke Chapman along with Cowans Sheldon, Stothert & Pitt and Wellman Booth.

Smith JAV626

Smith JAV626

1976 Smith MNJ613P

1976 Smith MNJ613P

Smith SBS178

Smith SBS178

1969 Smith

1969 Smith

1975 Smith

1975 Smith

1976 Smith

1976 Smith

1977 Smith DAL907

1977 Smith DAL907

Smith Face Shovel

Smith Face Shovel