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21 photos

The unexpected snowfall across the UK over the Easter weekend in March 2008 didn't deter the owners of these classic commercials from turning out for the annual Kirkby Stephen run.

Gyles Carpenter was there and he sent this selection of his superb pictures taken on both days, March 22/23 2008.

1940 Bedford MST GSK824

1940 Bedford MST GSK824

1970 Scammell Handyman VTJ908H

1970 Scammell Handyman VTJ908H

1984 Leyland Landmaster C865SRB

1984 Leyland Landmaster C865SRB

1951 Foden S18 AHG618

1951 Foden S18 AHG618

1970 Commer Maxiload ANN739H

1970 Commer Maxiload ANN739H

1961 Foden S21 830WNU

1961 Foden S21 830WNU

Commer Maxiload PNC486J

Commer Maxiload PNC486J

Commers in snow

Commers in snow

1970 Leyland Retriever YJB271J

1970 Leyland Retriever YJB271J

1971 Atkinson Silver Knight UFA102J

1971 Atkinson Silver Knight UFA102J

Bedfords in snow

Bedfords in snow

1973 ERF A RAG353M

1973 ERF A RAG353M

1969 Leyland Super Comet KEN799G

1969 Leyland Super Comet KEN799G

1974 ERF A PRM282M

1974 ERF A PRM282M

1975 Atkinson KBU375P

1975 Atkinson KBU375P

1974 Atkinson Borderer SBU567M

1974 Atkinson Borderer SBU567M

1964 Austin WF BSM167B

1964 Austin WF BSM167B

1969 Leyland Super Comet KEN799G

1969 Leyland Super Comet KEN799G



1969 Leyland Super Comet KEN799G

1969 Leyland Super Comet KEN799G